Precious Cornejo

Programming Staff




Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture (Pre-Vet)


Memphis, TN

Advice for Freshmen: 

My advice for freshman would be to take every opportunity you can to get to know and become friends with those around you. There's no one that won't want to be friends, and the connections you form at MSU are sincerely unlike any other.

Favorite Food: 

My favorite food at the moment is the greek salad from Memphis Pizza Cafe. I could genuinely eat it every day.

When asked about a “Dream Date”: 

My dream date would be going to an amusement park so you have something to do, but you also get to know each other :)

Favorite thing about Mississippi State: 

My favorite thing about MSU is that it has the most genuine, kind, and inviting family aspect to it.

Precious Cornejo