Sadie Morris





Professional Meteorology with an Emphasis in Broadcast Meteorology


Communication and Marketing


Greenwood, IN

Advice for Incoming Students: 

Don’t be afraid to take any and all opportunities presented to you!! Just because you haven’t done something before, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Some of my favorite clubs on campus I had never participated in during high school, but now I don’t know what I would’ve done without them! It is so easy to be intimidated because the campus seems so big, but getting involved and taking the time to interview for clubs and activities will pay off and makes the campus feel so much smaller!!

Favorite Starkville Restaurant: 


Favorite thing about Mississippi State: 

It feels like one big family! You can rarely walk across the drill field without seeing a friendly face, which makes a public college feel so small and welcoming!

Favorite Place on Campus: 

My favorite place on campus is the Chapel of Memories. It holds so much historical value, and is one of the most peaceful places on campus. It is a perfect place to reflect and relax!!

Staff Photo